Stillness Yoga and Meditation Center

Online Pop Up Meditation - The Gift of the Pause
with Stephanie Clement


February 9 (Friday)
at 9:30 am (GMT-05:00)

Class length
60 minutes

Pop Up Meditation. Gather together and let's meditate! Our Pop Up meditation is a guided meditation led by our instructors at Stillness. Learn the basics of a meditation practice in a supportive environment. No judgement on all those thoughts! It is more about learning how to relate differently to all those thoughts we all have in any given moment. 

We begin with a short introduction around a topic to help bring your meditation practice into your daily world . 

Topic for this class - The Gift of the Pause. STOP - Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed. Pausing for even a second gives you control in your next actions. Finding that moment, that space allows clarity to meet you so your next steps are clear and aligned with what really matters to you. 

Nervous system regulation techniques to bring a sense of balance to your body and mind 
15/20 minute guided meditation
Questions and answers at the end 


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