Stillness Yoga and Meditation Center

Fall Equinox Fire Ceremony and Sound Bath
with Stephanie Clement

September 22 (Sunday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

As the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisp with the scent of autumn, we are reminded of the powerful transitions taking place in nature—and within ourselves. The Autumn Equinox is a sacred moment of balance between light and dark, a time to reflect on the wisdom we've gathered through the year and to release, with gratitude, what has served its purpose.
We invite you to join us for a deeply transformative Fire Ceremony and Sound Bath on this special equinox evening, where we’ll come together as a community to ground, reflect, and let go.

Event Theme: Grounding in Wisdom, Releasing in Gratitude

In the rush of everyday life, it’s easy to hold onto things—emotions, thoughts, patterns—that weigh us down. Just as the trees shed their leaves, fall reminds us that letting go is essential for new growth. This ceremony offers a space to honor the wisdom gained from our experiences and to release, with gratitude, what no longer serves us, all while being held in the warmth of the fire and the resonance of sound.
This is more than just an event; it’s a moment to pause and reconnect with your inner self, your community, and the cycles of nature. The fire will symbolically transform what no longer serves us, and the sound bath will guide us into a state of deep peace and renewal.

Why You Should Join Us

This gathering is for anyone seeking a moment of reflection, healing, and connection. Whether you're coming to find peace amidst change, to share in the collective energy of community, or to simply honor this transition into autumn, you’ll leave feeling grounded, lighter, and more aligned with your inner truth.
  • Reflect: What have you harvested in your life this year? What lessons have shaped you, and how can you carry them forward with gratitude?
  • Release: What are you ready to let go of? Honor what has shaped you and release with gratitude what no longer serves.
  • Renew: Allow the calming vibrations of the sound bath to wash over you, integrating the wisdom of your experiences and leaving you refreshed for the season ahead.

Community, Connection, and Transformation

Our Fire Ceremony and Sound Bath is a beautiful opportunity to come together with like-minded souls. There’s something incredibly powerful about gathering in community, where we can support each other in our journeys of growth and transformation. The fire represents our shared ability to honor and release, and the sound reminds us that we are never alone in this process.
Let’s gather under the autumn sky, grounded in wisdom and united by our shared intention to grow and transform. Whether you’ve been with us for years or this is your first community event, we welcome you with open arms and warm hearts.

We look forward to sharing this special evening of release, reflection, and renewal with you.
With gratitude and light,
Stephanie Clement
Founder of Stillness Yoga & Meditation Center


Fall Equinox Fire Ceremony and Sound Bath (Ticket)

Class Price


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